Breaking News: President Abinader vows to end racist migration policies in his second term!

President Luis Abinader’s second mandate is poised to focus on human rights as he embarks on his new term in office. Let’s explore the key priorities and challenges ahead:

Addressing Human Rights Failures

  • Amnesty International has condemned worrying human rights violations linked to migration policies.
  • Urgent need to eradicate racial profiling, structural racism, and discrimination.
  • Guarantee respect for human dignity and integrity of Haitian migrants.

Complexities of Migration Operations

  • Dominican Republic became the top country for deporting Haitians.
  • Concern over collective expulsions and lack of individual assessment.
  • Deporation of over 98,000 individuals including adolescents and children in 2024.

Controversy over Migration Crackdown

  • Prior suspension of visas, militarization, and biometric controls in response to a river canal conflict.
  • Aim to limit legal entry channels for Haitians affecting family reunification and work opportunities.
  • Increased detentions, collective deportations, and excessive use of force – an ongoing concern.

In conclusion, President Abinader’s government faces a crucial period in addressing human rights violations related to migration policies. The need for structural changes and comprehensive reforms is paramount to ensure the safety and well-being of all individuals affected by these policies.


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