Meet the Fantastic Four: Heroes of Human Rights – Amnesty International!

One Year Since the Incarceration of Adolfo, Gildo, Pensador, and Tanaice Neutro

Learn about the activists who were sentenced to 880 days in prison for their participation in a peaceful demonstration.

What Happened on 16 September 2023?

  • Adolfo, Gildo, Pensador, and Tanaice Neutro joined a solidarity protest but were arrested.
  • They were not presenting evidence in court.

Profiles of the Activists

  • Pensador, aged 37, had to postpone his wedding due to his incarceration.
  • Tanaice Neutro, aged 36, won’t see his newborn baby until 2026.
  • Adolfo, aged 44, sleeps on the floor in a crowded cell and needs urgent surgery for pneumonia.
  • Gildo, aged 28, who loves studying politics, now lives separated from his daughters.

Call to Action

End the crackdown on human rights in Angola and demand the release of Adolfo, Gildo, Pensador, and Tanaice Neutro.

If you want to support the cause, sign the petition and share it to raise awareness and contribute to the fight for justice.


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