Breaking News: Indian Church Unveils Groundbreaking Plan for Migrant Support

What is CCBI Mission 2033?

The Conference of Catholic Bishops of India (CCBI) Commission for Migrants launched CCBI Mission 2033, a strategic initiative to involve parishes across India in addressing the spiritual and social requirements of migrants.

What was discussed at the seminar?

During the recent seminar, the focus was on fostering a societal environment that is hospitable and accommodating towards migrant workers, emphasizing the importance of their integration into society.

How will the plan benefit migrants?

The introduction of CCBI Mission 2033 aims to provide support and assistance to migrants, ensuring that their spiritual and social needs are met adequately.

In summary

The Church in India has taken a significant step by unveiling a pastoral plan to aid migrants, demonstrating its commitment to supporting vulnerable communities within the country.


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