Breaking News: Ukraine Takes Positive Step in Ratifying Rome Statute, But Challenges Remain

Responding to the Ukrainian Parliament’s ratification of the Rome Statute, Amnesty International’s Erika Guevara Rosas commended the decision and emphasized its importance for justice.

Why is Ukraine’s ratification of the Rome Statute significant?

  • Crucial for justice for victims of international crimes during Russia’s invasion
  • Demonstrates the government’s commitment to ICC rights and obligations

However, a declaration stating that Ukraine doesn’t recognize ICC jurisdiction over war crimes when committed by its citizens raises concerns about international justice principles.

What are the concerns regarding the limitations in Ukraine’s ICC membership?

  • Potential conflict with Ukraine’s previous declaration granting ICC jurisdiction
  • Uncertainty for ongoing and future ICC proceedings
  • Possible impediment to prompt and effective ICC investigations

Amnesty International urges Ukraine to reconsider the limitation on ICC jurisdiction to ensure effective and non-selective justice for all victims.


Ukraine’s parliament ratified the Rome Statute on 21st August, accepting ICC jurisdiction over alleged crimes on its territory since 2013.

  • Ukraine signed the Statute in 2000
  • Two declarations extending the ICC jurisdiction over crimes committed in its territory
  • Concerns over Ukraine’s intention to restrict ICC’s jurisdiction for seven years

Amnesty International opposes the use of Article 124 declarations, advocating for their deletion to end impunity for international crimes. Ukraine will become an official member of the ICC after a 60-day period.


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