Ensuring Compliance with the Arms Trade Treaty to Uphold Humanitarian and Human Rights Laws

ICRC President Mirjana Spoljaric Speaks at Arms Trade Treaty Conference on World Humanitarian Day

What was the occasion?

  • ICRC President Mirjana Spoljaric addressed the Tenth Conference of State Parties to the Arms Trade Treaty
  • The event took place on World Humanitarian Day

What did Mirjana Spoljaric highlight?

  • Importance of preventing human suffering caused by irresponsible arms transfers
  • Need for strict implementation of the Arms Trade Treaty

What is the Arms Trade Treaty?

  • Multilateral treaty aimed at regulating international trade in conventional arms, preventing illicit trade
  • Signed by 109 countries, entered into force in 2014

Summary: ICRC President Mirjana Spoljaric highlighted the importance of preventing human suffering through responsible arms transfers at the Tenth Conference of State Parties to the Arms Trade Treaty on World Humanitarian Day.

Source: www.icrc.org

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