Burundi Finally Frees Activist Floriane Irangabiye After Lengthy Delay

Responding to the release from prison of Burundian journalist Floriane Irangabiye on 16 August, Amnesty International’s Deputy Regional Director for East and Southern Africa, Sarah Jackson, expressed relief.

Why was Floriane Irangabiye imprisoned?

  • Arrested in Bujumbura on 30 August 2022
  • Sentenced to ten years in prison on 2 January 2023
  • Convicted after a flawed trial based on radio show comments

Amnesty International urges the Burundian government to stop repressing civic space and adversities towards journalists and human rights defenders.

What led to her release?

  • Twice rejected appeals against the conviction
  • President granted her full pardon on 14 August 2024
  • Released on 16 August 2024 after a long detention

Floriane Irangabiye was set to be part of Amnesty International’s Write for Rights campaign this year, showcasing triumph over adversity.

Source: www.amnesty.org

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