The impact of 3 years of Taliban rule on Afghanistan and the lack of global response

Struggling Afghan Community: Human Rights Crisis Continues

Are Afghan Women and Girls the Most Affected?

The Afghan community is suffering from three years of unresolved frustrations under Taliban rule, with numerous human rights violations reported, especially against women and girls.

  • Amnesty International conducted a wide-ranging consultation with over 150 stakeholders.
  • Absence of concrete measures in addressing the crisis is a source of shame for the international community.

How Are Women and Girls Affected?

More than 20 Afghan women human rights defenders reported losing agency and opportunities for employment and cultural contribution under Taliban rule. The Taliban justifies their actions by referring to Shariah law and Afghan culture.

  • All repressive policies affecting women remain in place after three years of Taliban rule.
  • Access to legal remedies has significantly decreased for the Afghan population.

What Is the Status of Justice and Accountability?

The Taliban eliminated the legal and formal justice system and imposed Shariah law with no legal representation during trials. Reports indicate the return of corporal punishment in Afghanistan, in violation of international law.

How Is the Civic Space Shrinking?

Human rights defenders, activists, and journalists are targeted by the Taliban, leading to enforced disappearances and arbitrary detentions. There is a decline in civil society participation as individuals are forced to flee the country to avoid reprisals.

What Is the Need for International Support?

Afghan community members express frustration with the lack of action and coordination from the international community. Taliban propaganda misrepresents the reality of the situation in Afghanistan. Collaborative efforts and sustained support are essential to address the ongoing crisis.

  • All actors must coordinate efforts to find effective long-term solutions.
  • Respect for diverse voices within the Afghan community is crucial for initiating positive change.

In conclusion, sustained international support and coordinated action are necessary to address the human rights crisis in Afghanistan and empower the Afghan community.


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