Dangerous Gas Flares in the Ecuadorian Amazon Raise Alarm for Human Rights Violations

Critical Report: Gas Flares Threaten Amazon and Human Rights

What Urgent Measures Are Needed to Address the Climate Crisis?

  • End harmful activities like gas flares
  • Priority on phase-out of fossil fuels
  • Focus on historically marginalized communities

New report by Amnesty International

How Is Ecuador Failing to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions?

  • Despite court ruling, gas flaring continues
  • Direct link to global warming and harmful emissions
  • More action needed from Ecuadorian authorities

Why Should Ecuador Implement Ruling on Gas Flares?

  • Rapid and fair energy transition required
  • Failure to comply is against climate, environmental, and racial justice
  • Eliminating gas flares key to saving Amazon and future

Ana Piquer, Americas director at Amnesty International

The Impact of Routine Gas Flaring on Ecuadorian Amazon

Why Is Routine Flaring Harmful to the Environment?

  • Contamination due to oil extraction
  • Contributes to global warming
  • Recognized impacts on human rights and environment

How Can Ecuador Become a Standard Bearer for Climate Justice?

  • Transition to fossil fuel-free economy needed
  • Ecuador’s responsibility to reduce emissions
  • Oil extraction has harmed the Amazon and vulnerable populations

What Are the Consequences of Gas Flaring in Ecuador?

  • Threatens lives, health, and rights of the poorest
  • At least 52 flares near populated areas
  • Emission of toxic gases affects communities and biodiversity

Ana Piquer, Americas director at Amnesty International

The Call to Action: Eliminate Gas Flares in Ecuador

Sign the petition to demand change in the Amazon

Why Is Eliminating Gas Flares Crucial for Future Generations?

  • Youth activists leading the fight for climate and racial justice
  • Ecuador’s failure to comply risks worsening global warming
  • Future of humanity at stake without immediate action

Ana Piquer, Americas director at Amnesty International

Source: www.amnesty.org

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