Injustice Unveiled: Private Companies collude in Maasai Evictions in Tanzania

Private Businesses Accused of Complicity in Forced Evictions of Maasai Communities in Tanzania

What Does the Report Reveal?

  • Ortello Business Corporation (OBC) involved in evicting Maasai Indigenous communities
  • Improper trophy hunting activities conducted under the guise of ‘conservation’
  • TAASA Lodge and &BEYOND also operating in the affected area

What Calls for Action Have Been Made?

Amnesty International calls for:

  • Conducting prompt, impartial investigation
  • Bringing perpetrators of human rights violations to justice
  • Providing victims with access to justice and remedies

What Happened During the Protests and Evictions?

Incidents included:

  • Excessive force used by Tanzanian security forces
  • Maasai residents forcibly evicted at least four times since 2009
  • Over 40 people wounded, others displaced or homeless

How Did Companies Respond to Allegations?

&BEYOND and TAASA Lodge responded to allegations:

  • &BEYOND mentioned ongoing litigation over the land
  • TAASA Lodge emphasized commitment to following the rule of law

Summary: Businesses accused of complicity in forced evictions in Tanzania, prompting calls for investigations and remedies to the affected Maasai communities.


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