Devastating Conflict Forces Villagers to Flee in Northern Mali

What are the challenges faced by displaced families in Niafounké?

  • Living in crammed classrooms
  • Overcrowding and lack of hygiene
  • Increase in cases of respiratory infections, infectious skin diseases, and diarrhoea
  • High percentage of malnutrition among children
  • Need for mental health assistance

How has MSF responded to the situation in Niafounké?

  • Set up a health post for free primary healthcare
  • Installed water points and provided non-food items
  • Provided prenatal consultations and deliveries for women

Despite the efforts of MSF, there are still unmet needs for displaced families in Niafounké. With the new school year approaching, finding a suitable site for lessons is crucial. Additionally, there is a pressing need for mental health support for those who have experienced trauma and loss. MSF is urging other humanitarian organizations to increase their assistance to help these vulnerable families.


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