Breaking News: Iranian Man Executed in Connection to Women’s Rights Uprising

Shocking Secret Execution in Iran

What Happened?

  • Reza Rasaei, a 34-year-old member of oppressed Kurdish and Yaresan ethnic and religious minorities, was arbitrarily executed in connection to the “Woman Life Freedom” uprising.
  • He was subjected to torture, ill-treatment, including sexual violence, and sentenced to death after a sham trial.
  • The Iranian authorities carried out the execution secretly without prior notice.

Amnesty International’s Response

  • Deputy Director Diana Eltahawy highlights how Iran’s criminal justice system is corrupted and the use of death penalty as a tool of political repression.
  • She emphasizes the need for constitutional, legal, and policy reforms to end human rights violations and impunity.

Background Information

  • Reza Rasaei was executed in secret in Kermanshah province.
  • His trial relied on forced confessions obtained under torture and other ill-treatment.
  • Iranian authorities have intensified the use of death penalty, with at least 274 executions in 2024 alone.


  • Iran’s secret execution of Reza Rasaei highlights human rights abuses and the need for international action against such atrocities.


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