Breaking News: Armed Conflict Forces Villagers to Flee in Northern Mali

Addressing Health Concerns for Displaced Families in Niafounké

What Health Issues Are Affecting Displaced Families?

  • Increasing cases of respiratory infections affecting children under 5
  • Infectious skin diseases and diarrhoea predominantly in young children
  • High rates of malnutrition, with 66% of children acutely malnourished
  • Mental health challenges due to loss of loved ones and property

MSF’s Response to the Crisis

Upon arrival in Niafounké, MSF quickly established a health post to provide primary healthcare and installed water points. Additionally, they distributed 600 kits of non-food items. Assessments have shown that between April and June 2024, 1,202 women received care, including prenatal consultations and deliveries.

Unmet Needs and Urgent Actions

While MSF is addressing basic health and water needs, there is a pressing need for mental health support and educational resources. With the new school year approaching, finding suitable accommodations for families living in classrooms is essential. MSF is calling for increased support from local and international humanitarian organizations to assist the displaced families in need.


The displaced families in Niafounké are facing a health crisis, with rising cases of respiratory infections, skin diseases, diarrhoea, and malnutrition. MSF has been providing essential healthcare and water access but is urging for more support in addressing mental health and educational needs.


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