Breaking News: Benin Prisoners Trapped in Unsanitary Conditions Without Healthcare During Heatwave

Prisoners Dying in Inhumane Conditions in Benin

What are the Conditions Like in Benin’s Prisons?

  • At least 46 prisoners died in Benin’s prisons between January and July 2023.
  • Prisoners faced overcrowded cells, lack of clean water, and no medical treatment.

How is Amnesty International Responding to the Situation?

  • Amnesty International calls for immediate measures to improve prison conditions in Benin.
  • Authorities must comply with the Nelson Mandela Rules for humane treatment of prisoners.

What’s the Impact of Overcrowding in Prisons?

  • Prison overcrowding in Benin has significantly increased the number of prisoners.
  • Prisons are holding prisoners far beyond their capacity, leading to dire conditions.

How do Heatwaves Affect Detention Conditions?

  • Record-breaking heat in Benin worsens conditions for prisoners.
  • Access to clean water and healthcare is a critical issue during extreme temperatures.

Why is There a Concern for Prisoner’s Health in Benin?

  • Prisoners lack medical staff and access to essential medicines.
  • Poor healthcare services and inadequate facilities put prisoners’ lives at risk.

What is the Situation with Pre-trial Detention in Benin?

  • Around 55% of prisoners in Benin are in pre-trial detention, some beyond the legal time limit.
  • The authorities must release those held in pre-trial detention for excessive periods.


Amnesty International uncovers alarming conditions in Benin’s prisons, urging immediate action to safeguard prisoners’ well-being and uphold human rights standards.


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