Abandoned Yezidi survivors of ISIS atrocities left in indefinite detention in Syria’s northeast

Yezidis Still Suffering Violations, 10 Years After Islamic State Attack

Why Are Yezidis Still Missing?

As per Amnesty International, thousands of Yezidi survivors of IS atrocities remain missing, with hundreds believed to be detained in north-east Syria, even after a decade has passed since the initial attack.

  • Over 3,000 Yezidis unlawfully killed by IS
  • At least 6,800 abducted, primarily women and children, with many subjected to slavery and violence

What is the Current Situation?

Even today, ten years post the IS attack, the Yezidi community continues to suffer. Thousands are missing, languishing in dire conditions, with many detained indefinitely without charge in north-east Syria.

What is Being Done?

Senior Adviser Lauren Aarons emphasizes the necessity to identify and free Yezidis held in captivity, providing them with essential support.

Are Yezidi Women and Children Safe?

Hundreds of Yezidi women and children are reportedly held in Al-Hol detention camp, with alarming accounts of captivity, slavery, and abuse by IS affiliates.

What are the Challenges?

Barriers preventing Yezidis from coming forward include fears of punishment or being harmed by IS affiliates, parent-child separation fears, and lack of identity due to young age at abduction.

How is International Support Needed?

Increased international assistance is urged to help identify and repatriate missing Yezidis, respecting survivors’ rights and ensuring their agency throughout the process.


Addressing the ongoing suffering of Yezidis is imperative to provide them with the dignity and freedom they deserve after enduring years of hardship and uncertainty. The international community must step up efforts to identify and support missing Yezidis, ensuring their rights are upheld and their agency respected.

Source: www.amnesty.org

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