Stop Human Rights Violations in Greece: Samos Detention Should not Set the Standard for EU Migration Policy

Why is Amnesty International Urging Greece to Repeal Legal Rules?

Amnesty International is calling on Greece to urgently repeal legal rules causing asylum seekers on Samos to be unlawfully detained.

What Revelations Does the Report Make about the Samos Refugee Centre?

  • Reveals use of arbitrary detention orders
  • Greece serving as a testing ground for EU migration policies
  • Punitive and costly model

What was the Impact of Increased Arrivals on the Centre?

The centre experienced overcrowding, inadequate living conditions, and a lack of basic services due to increased arrivals.

How Does Amnesty International Describe the Living Conditions in the Centre?

Amnesty International describes the situation as a “dystopian nightmare” with a highly securitized, prison-like environment lacking in basic infrastructure.

What Concerns Does Amnesty International Raise About the EU Migration and Asylum Pact?

  • Concerns about weakening access to asylum
  • Risk of human rights violations and de facto detention

What Recommendations Does Amnesty International Provide?

  • Urgent repeal of Greece’s asylum rules
  • Eradication of widespread unlawful detention
  • Action by the EU to prevent human suffering at borders

The research conducted by Amnesty International highlights the urgency for change in the treatment of asylum seekers to prevent violations of fundamental rights. The EU and Greece must take immediate action to uphold human rights and ensure dignified treatment for all individuals.


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