Cease the Repetitive Violent Suppression of Baloch Protests Now!

Responding to the deaths of at least three Baloch protesters and mass arrests of participants of the ‘Baloch Raji Machi’ protests in Balochistan, Pakistan, Babu Ram Pant, Deputy Regional Director for South Asia at Amnesty International, expressed deep concern over the situation.

Why are Baloch protesters facing violent crackdowns?

  • Every time Baloch protests occur, security forces respond with violence and mass arrests.
  • Reports of three deaths and multiple arrests of organizers raise serious alarms.

In a decisive statement, Pant urged the Pakistani authorities to cease the brutal crackdown on Baloch protests and release all peaceful demonstrators immediately.

What rights are being violated in Balochistan?

  • Rights to freedom of expression, access to information, movement, and peaceful assembly are being curtailed.
  • Government actions go against the Constitution of Pakistan and international human rights norms.

The ‘Baloch Raji Machi’ protests aim to protect civil, political, and economic rights in the volatile region, demanding an end to enforced disappearances and extrajudicial killings of Baloch people.

What has been the response to the protests?

  • Security forces opened fire, resulting in casualties and injuries among protestors.
  • Several organizers and protesters have been detained, sparking concerns over their safety.

Amnesty International echoes the urgent need for upholding human rights and calls for an immediate halt to the repressive actions against Baloch demonstrators.

This article was originally published on Amnesty International’s website.

Source: www.amnesty.org

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