Amnesty International Chief Condemns Tunisia’s Human Rights Regression After Visit

Amnesty International’s Secretary General denounces rollback of human rights in Tunisia

What did Amnesty International find during the four-day visit to Tunisia?

  • Drastic rollback of human rights progress since the 2011 revolution
  • Institution of justice compromised
  • Leaders of political opposition, activists, journalists, lawyers facing arrests and prosecutions

What are the key concerns highlighted by Agnès Callamard?

  • Government repression amid upcoming presidential elections
  • Leaders of opposition in pre-trial detention
  • Crackdown on rights to freedom of expression and association

What actions does Amnesty International call on Tunisian authorities to take?

  • Drop unfounded charges against dissidents and critics
  • Repeal measures undermining judicial independence
  • Release individuals detained for exercising human rights

The European Union and its member states must reassess their engagement with Tunisia to ensure it does not lead to complicity in human rights violations. Amnesty International urges for accountability and respect for human rights in the region.

Background: Since President Kais Saied’s power grab in 2021, Tunisia has witnessed a significant regression in human rights progress. Recent crackdowns on political opponents, lawyers, journalists, and activists have raised concerns. Amnesty International continues to monitor the situation and advocate for justice and freedom in Tunisia.


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