Shocking Violation: Authorities Using Deadly Force on Peaceful Protesters!

Amnesty International Report on Bangladesh Protests

What actions have Bangladeshi authorities taken against student protesters?

  • Unlawful force used against student protesters
  • Six days of shutdown and communication restrictions
  • Deployment of army, curfew, and shoot-on-sight orders

How has Amnesty International responded to the situation?

  • Verification and analysis of video and photographic evidence
  • Reported on three incidents of unlawful use of weapons
  • Urged Bangladesh government to respect the right to protest

What are the specific incidents of unlawful use of force by law enforcement?

  • Abusive use of less-lethal weapons and failure to provide medical aid
  • Dangerous use of tear gas
  • Use of lethal firearms
Summary: Amnesty International calls for an independent investigation into human rights violations against protesters in Bangladesh, including high death tolls and injuries. They demand an end to violent crackdowns, communications restrictions, and the use of army forces.


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