Urgent: Demand for Release of Ennahda Party Leader in Tunisia Sparks International Outrage

What happened in Tunisia?

  • Tunisian authorities arrested Ennahdha Secretary General, Ajmi Ouirimi, along with two other party members, Mohamed Ghanoudi and Mosaab Gharbi.
  • They were detained without charge during a regular ID road check.
  • Their lawyers have not been allowed to meet them for 48 hours.
  • Amnesty International’s Regional Director expressed concern over the crackdown.

Why are these arrests concerning?

  • The arrests come ahead of the upcoming presidential elections in Tunisia.
  • The authorities must provide reasons for the arrests and grant access to legal counsel.
  • Amnesty International calls for their immediate release unless charged with a recognized criminal offense.
  • The crackdown on political opposition figures indicates a politically motivated agenda to stifle dissent.

Background Info

  • Tunisian authorities have intensified their crackdown on dissent over the past year.
  • High-profile opposition figures and critics have faced unfounded charges and arrests.
  • The Ennahdha party members, including Chief Rached Ghannouchi, are among those detained.
  • Human rights in Tunisia have deteriorated since President Kais Saied’s power grab nearly three years ago.
  • Presidential elections are scheduled for 6 October 2024 in Tunisia.

The Tunisian authorities’ crackdown on political opposition members like Ennahdha party leader Ajmi Ouirimi raises concern over human rights violations and political motivations stifling dissent ahead of the upcoming presidential elections in October 2024.

Source: www.amnesty.org

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