Human rights victories shine bright in six-month span


How has Norway improved prison conditions for those with mental health problems?

  • Isolation reduction and more resources allocated

Why were Russian rock band Bi-2 members detained in Thailand?

  • Concerns over persecution in Russia for anti-war stance

What led to the withdrawal of a bill in Belgium undermining the right to protest?

  • Pressure from trade unions and civil society


How did the Walloon government respond to calls from civil society?

  • Suspension of arms export licenses to Israel

Why was journalist Guhdar Zebari released in Iraq?

  • Campaigning efforts by Amnesty International

What was significant about the release of human rights defender Vanessa Mendoza Cortes in Andorra?

  • Acquittal after speaking out against abortion ban


What new treaty was signed in The Hague to address human rights violations?

  • Ljubljana-Hague Convention for justice to victims of atrocities

How has Amnesty International been supporting human rights defenders like Youba Siby?

  • Legal assistance and transitional support


What historic decisions were made in Japan regarding same-sex marriage?

  • Recognition of unconstitutionality of ban

How did European countries respond to funding suspension for Palestinians?

  • Resumed funding to UNRWA

What role did Amnesty International play in the release of human rights defender Daouda Diallo in Burkina Faso?

  • Issuing urgent appeals


What actions were taken against Myanmar in terms of human rights violations?

  • Resolution on refraining from fuel exports

How did Argentina address online gender-based harassment against Marina Abiuso?

  • Sentencing influencer to community service

Why were human rights activists like Shoma Sen granted bail in India?

  • Long-standing campaign by Amnesty International


How was human rights lawyer Eren Keskin acquitted in Turkey?

  • Amnesty International’s calls for justice

What significant decision was made by the UN Open-ended Working Group on Ageing?

  • Adoption of measures to protect older people’s rights


Why were the defendants in the “Kempir-Abad case” acquitted in Kyrgyzstan?

  • Politically motivated charges and inconsistencies

What landmarks were achieved in international efforts regarding human rights violations in Russia towards Ukraine?

  • Arrest warrants against top Russian military officials

How did Thailand make history regarding marriage equality for LGBTI couples?

  • Passage of marriage equality bill


How was an arrest warrant against Bashar al-Assad upheld by the Paris Court of Appeal?

  • Responsibility for chemical weapons use in Syria

What significant ban was enacted in Sierra Leone to protect girls?

  • Prohibition of child marriage bill


Amnesty International has contributed to significant human rights wins globally during the first half of the year, from improved prison conditions in Norway to landmark decisions in Japan, all shaping a brighter future for human rights.


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