Urgent: Gaza civilians seek refuge at damaged ICRC office amidst shelling turmoil

What happened to the ICRC office in Gaza?

Recently, the ICRC office in Gaza was surrounded by hundreds of displaced civilians and unfortunately damaged due to nearby shelling.

Why was the ICRC office in Gaza targeted?

The reason behind the damage to the ICRC office in Gaza was the result of being surrounded by displaced civilians and affected by shelling in the vicinity.

What was the impact of the incident?

The incident had a significant impact on the operations of the ICRC office in Gaza, hindering their ability to provide humanitarian assistance to those in need.

In a distressing turn of events, the ICRC office in Gaza found itself surrounded by displaced civilians and damaged by nearby shelling. This unfortunate incident has disrupted the organization’s efforts to provide crucial aid to the affected population in the region. It is imperative that the safety and security of humanitarian organizations are ensured so they can continue their vital work without hindrance.

Source: www.icrc.org

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