Breaking News: UN extends registration for Afghan refugees for another year, a promising start

Developments in Pakistan for Afghan Refugees

Responding to the recent announcement by the Government of Pakistan, Thyagi Ruwanpathirana from Amnesty International expressed his views on the extension granted to Afghan refugees holding UNHCR-issued Proof of Registration (PoR) cards in the country.

Why was the extension granted?

  • The Pakistan government agreed to extend the stay of PoR card holders for another year, benefiting over 1.45 million Afghan refugees.
  • Amnesty International welcomed this decision but urged for the extension to include all Afghan refugees in Pakistan and the suspension of the ‘Illegal Foreigners Repatriation Plan’.

What are the concerns?

Despite this positive step, concerns remain for ACC holders and undocumented refugees due to the risk of forced return and continued harassment.

What is Amnesty International calling for?

  • Amnesty International urges the Government of Pakistan to stop all forcible returns, ratify refugee conventions, and develop a legal framework for asylum and international protection for Afghan refugees.


In October 2023, the ‘Illegal Foreigners’ Repatriation Plan’ was announced, leading to detentions and unlawful returns of Afghan refugees in Pakistan.

Recent Update

  • The Pakistan government extended the validity of PoR cards for 1.45 million Afghan refugees until June 2025, leaving ACC holders and undocumented refugees uncertain about their future.


In conclusion, while the extension for UN-registered Afghan refugees is a positive move, further steps are needed to safeguard the rights of all Afghan refugees in Pakistan.


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