South Sudan urged to prioritize human rights during independence anniversary celebration

By: Sikula Oniala

What challenges is South Sudan facing?

  • Conflict, corruption, and human rights violations are entrenched in South Sudan.
  • Security forces cracked down on peaceful protests in response to a cost-of-living crisis.
  • Civil servants have not been paid since September 2023.
  • US$1 was equivalent to 3,250 South Sudanese pounds.
  • 9 million people in South Sudan will require humanitarian assistance this year.

How is corruption affecting South Sudan?

The prevalence of corruption undermines people’s access to justice, public services, and security.

Why is freedom of expression important in South Sudan?

People should be able to criticize the government and demand better without fear of retribution.

What international human rights obligations does South Sudan have?

South Sudan is obligated under its 2011 Constitution and various international treaties to uphold human rights.

What actions are needed in South Sudan?
  • Establish a hybrid court to bring perpetrators of human rights violations to justice.
  • Respect and protect the rights of all citizens, including freedom of expression and fair trial.
  • End impunity for human rights violations and ensure access to justice for victims.

Sikula Oniala, South Sudan Researcher at Amnesty International’s East and Southern Africa Regional Office, highlights the need for South Sudan to address its human rights obligations and commit to upholding fundamental rights as the country marks another anniversary of independence.


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