Breaking News: Paraguay Senate Approves Bill Threatening Human Rights Protection

Humanitarian Concerns: Paraguay Senate’s Bill Threatens Human Rights

What are the Main Human Rights Risks Posed by the Bill?

  • Lack of precision and clarity in the bill’s scope and implementation.
  • No distinction between public and private fund recipients.
  • Threat to the independence of civil society organizations.
  • Broad provisions allowing authorities to seize assets and resources.

Civil society organizations in Paraguay are facing a threat to their autonomy and resources due to a recent bill passed by the Paraguayan Senate. The bill, which lacks clarity and specificity, could lead to severe restrictions on the work of these organizations, jeopardizing their ability to defend human rights.

Why is the Bill Controversial?

  • Lack of transparency and accountability for non-profit organizations.
  • Unreasonable oversight by the state without due process.
  • Potential safety risks for human rights defenders.

Amnesty International has expressed grave concerns about the bill, highlighting the risks it poses to the fundamental rights of civil society organizations. The bill introduces arbitrary oversight measures without providing organizations with a fair chance to defend themselves. This could put the safety of human rights defenders at risk and hinder their vital work in the country.

Amnesty International’s Call to Action

  • Urging the Chamber of Deputies to reject the bill.
  • Calls for inclusive consultation with human rights defenders.

Amnesty International urges the Paraguayan government to reconsider the bill and engage in a more inclusive consultation process with civil society organizations and human rights defenders. The protection of civic space and the right to freedom of association are essential for upholding human rights in Paraguay and beyond. It is crucial to ensure that any legislative measures support, rather than hinder, the work of these organizations in promoting and protecting human rights.


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