Over 90 NGOs urge EU to reject asylum outsourcing and protect refugee rights

What are Humanitarian Organizations Calling For?

Ahead of the first plenary session of the new European Parliament, more than 90 human rights and humanitarian organizations are urging the European Union to stand firm in safeguarding the right to asylum and the rule of law.

  • Amnesty International
  • Danish Refugee Council
  • Human Rights Watch
  • Oxfam

What is the Concern?

These organizations are concerned with recent attempts by certain EU countries to transfer their asylum obligations to countries outside the EU, which undermines the core principle of international protection.

What Do They Say?

Amnesty International’s EU Advocate on Migration and Asylum, Olivia Sundberg Diez, highlighted the negative impact of these proposals, calling for a recommitment to the global refugee protection regime.

Why is This Important?

These proposals have led to numerous rights violations, exposing people to arbitrary detention and legal uncertainty, all while disregarding international treaties and the global refugee protection system.

What is the Call to Action?

The organizations are urging the EU to reject these proposals, support sustainable migration policies, and uphold its commitment to international law and human rights.

European Commission President von der Leyen acknowledged these ideas but emphasized the need for attention to ensure human rights standards are upheld in external asylum processing.

These partnerships have raised concerns about human rights violations and the EU’s oversight of migration-related human rights abuses beyond its borders.

Source: Amnesty International

Source: www.amnesty.org

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