Egyptian Human Rights Lawyers Await Lift of Travel Bans

Why are Travel Bans Still in Place for Human Rights Lawyers in Egypt?

  • Authorities closed Case 173/2011 after 13 years of investigations
  • Travel bans remain for Nasser Amin and Hoda Abdelwahab
  • Reparations have not been provided to human rights defenders

What is the Background of the Case?

  • ACIJLP was among the first organizations targeted in Case 173/2011
  • Five leading Egyptian NGOs had criminal charges dropped
  • The strategic partnership between Egypt and the EU includes financial assistance

The Egyptian authorities must lift travel bans against human rights lawyers Nasser Amin and Hoda Abdelwahab. Despite the closure of Case 173/2011, the bans on Amin and Abdelwahab remain. This failure to provide reparations for their hardships highlights ongoing challenges in Egypt. Civil society organizations must be allowed to operate freely without fear. As efforts to uphold human rights continue, more action is needed to support those who have faced unwarranted restrictions.


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