Breaking News: ICRC’s Fundraising Division’s Data Privacy Notice Released!

Are you aware of how the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) handles your personal data for fundraising purposes?

Details on Data Processing by ICRC

  • The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) manages your personal data for fundraising through the Resource Mobilization Division (REM).
  • As the data controller, ICRC ensures that your information is handled securely and in compliance with data protection regulations.

Transparency in Fundraising

  • ICRC is committed to transparency in its fundraising efforts, ensuring that your personal data is used responsibly.
  • By understanding how your data is processed, you can make informed decisions about supporting ICRC’s humanitarian work.

Protecting Your Privacy

  • Your privacy is a top priority for ICRC, and measures are in place to safeguard your personal information.
  • By entrusting your data to ICRC, you contribute to life-saving initiatives and humanitarian aid around the world.


Learn how ICRC handles your personal data for fundraising, ensuring transparency and privacy protection as you support critical humanitarian efforts globally.


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