Spanish Bishops Call for Inclusion of Young Migrants

The migration sub-commission of the Spanish Episcopal Conference endorsed a call from Bishops of the Canary Islands to “create a culture of encounter” and protect young migrants. They called for public authorities to establish reception arrangements that foster the integration of migrant minors.

What is the Spanish Episcopal Conference advocating for?

  • Creating a culture of encounter
  • Protecting young migrants
  • Establishing reception arrangements
  • Fostering integration of migrant minors

The endorsement comes from the Bishops of the Canary Islands to ensure the well-being of migrant children and youth. This initiative seeks to address the challenges faced by these vulnerable groups in society.

Why is the integration of migrant children and youth important?

  • Promotes social cohesion
  • Ensures the rights of young migrants are upheld
  • Supports their emotional and mental well-being
  • Reduces the risk of exploitation

By advocating for a culture of encounter and integration, the Spanish Bishops are taking a step towards creating a more inclusive and compassionate society for all individuals, regardless of their background or origin.

The commitment to protect and support young migrants reflects the values of the International Catholic Migration Commission (ICMC) and its dedication to ensuring the rights and dignity of migrants worldwide.


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