European Bishops Express Alarm Over Treatment of Forced Refugees

What did Bishop Mariano Crociata emphasize following elections in Europe?

  • Bishop Mariano Crociata, President of the Commission of the Bishops’ Conferences in the EU, emphasized the need for unity among European countries.
  • He stressed the importance of welcoming forcibly displaced people into the block.
  • The Bishop also highlighted the significance of fostering dialogue between governmental authorities and churches.

The recent elections in Europe have stirred discussions regarding the approach towards forcibly displaced individuals t within the European Union. In the wake of these elections, Bishop Mariano Crociata, President of the Commission of the Bishops’ Conferences in the EU, has voiced his concerns and suggestions for the region.

What was the main message from the EU Bishops?

  • The EU Bishops emphasized the need for countries in the block to come together.
  • They highlighted the importance of uniting to welcome forcibly displaced people.
  • The Bishops also stressed the significance of fostering dialogue between governmental authorities and churches.

The European Bishops are calling for solidarity and collaboration among European nations to address the needs of forcibly displaced individuals. Their message underpins the importance of unity and dialogue in navigating these complex challenges.

What do the EU Bishops hope to achieve with their message?

  • The EU Bishops aim to promote unity among European nations.
  • They seek to facilitate the welcoming of forcibly displaced individuals into the region.
  • The Bishops hope to encourage dialogue between governmental authorities and churches for better collaboration.

The post-election period in Europe has paved the way for crucial conversations on how to address the needs of forcibly displaced people within the European Union. The message from the EU Bishops serves as a reminder of the importance of working together and fostering understanding in the face of such challenges.


The EU Bishops, led by Bishop Mariano Crociata, emphasize the need for unity and dialogue among European nations to welcome forcibly displaced people and foster collaboration between governmental authorities and churches. Their message underscores the importance of solidarity and cooperation in addressing the needs of vulnerable populations.


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