Silent Suffering: Kurdistan Region’s Failure to Protect Domestic Violence Survivors

The Kurdistan Region of Iraq’s (KR-I) authorities are failing to ensure that perpetrators of domestic violence, including harrowing cases of murder, rape, beatings and burning, are held to account, and they are imposing arbitrary restrictions on the freedoms of survivors who seek protection in the shelter system, said Amnesty International in a new report published today.

What does Amnesty International’s report reveal?

  • Positive legislative steps taken in the KR-I to combat domestic violence
  • Challenges faced by survivors in accessing protection and justice
  • Lack of political will to prosecute domestic violence perpetrators

Why is there a lack of justice for survivors?

The justice system in KR-I perpetuates impunity for domestic violence offenders by imposing hurdles on survivors to access justice:

  • Requirements for survivors to file criminal complaints themselves
  • Discretionary powers for judges favoring abusers
  • Mandatory reconciliation processes that hinder legal proceedings

What shortcomings exist in the law on domestic violence?

Amnesty International identified several gaps in the KR-I’s Domestic Violence Law:

  • Focus on ‘family unity’ over justice and survivor protection
  • Lack of stringent penalties for offenders
  • Impunity for “honour killings”

How are protection mechanisms in KR-I inadequate?

The state-run protection mechanisms in KR-I suffer from underfunding and insufficiency:

  • Woefully underfunded institutions to support survivors
  • Shelters in disrepair, overcrowded, and understaffed
  • Restrictions on freedom of movement and communication for survivors

What steps are necessary to address these challenges?

Amnesty International calls for urgent action to end impunity for domestic violence in the KR-I, including:

  • Effective investigations into domestic violence
  • Increased funding for support institutions
  • Removal of barriers to accessing shelters

Amnesty International emphasizes the need for tangible measures to combat violence against women in the Kurdistan Region and advocates for significant legal reforms and public awareness initiatives.


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