Inhumane Treatment of Migrants in Italy’s Detention Centers Strips Away Their Humanity

Issues with Migration-Related Detention in Italy

Are Asylum Seekers and Migrants Unlawfully Detained in Italy?

  • Detention centres in Italy do not meet international standards.
  • Many detained individuals do not belong in these facilities.
  • Certain groups like LGBTQ asylum seekers are unfairly detained.

What Concerns Does Amnesty International Have?

  • Italy is expanding the use of detention for migrants.
  • New detention centres are being constructed.
  • Detainees face sub-standard conditions and treatment.

The Reality of Detention Centres in Italy

What Are the Specific Findings of Amnesty International?

  • Amnesty International visited two detention centres in Italy in April 2024.
  • Conditions within these centres are below international standards.
  • Detainees lack basic rights and live in restrictive environments.

How Do the Conditions Affect Detainees?

  • Detainees face enormous psychological harm due to the lack of activities.
  • They are denied autonomy and live in prison-like conditions.
  • Personal smartphones are prohibited and movements are heavily restricted.

Call for Action and Improvement

What Changes Does Amnesty International Propose?

  • Migration detention should be a last resort measure.
  • Authorities must conduct rigorous assessments before detaining individuals.
  • Detention conditions must respect human dignity and provide safe accommodation.

Why is Urgent Action Necessary?

  • Plans to build new detention centres in Italy require immediate attention.
  • Current punitive practices must be replaced with humane approaches.


Amnesty International raises concerns about the abuse of migration-related detention in punitive conditions in Italy. Detainees, including asylum seekers and migrants, are being unlawfully deprived of their liberty in detention centres that fall below international standards. Italy’s detention laws and practices do not align with international obligations, resulting in violations of the right to liberty and access to asylum. Urgent action is needed to improve conditions and respect the dignity of individuals in detention.


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