Breaking News: Demand for Public Release of COP29 Host Country Agreement with Azerbaijan

What are the key concerns raised by Amnesty International?

  • Lack of human rights safeguards in the Host Country Agreement (HCA) for COP29
  • Uncertainty about rights protections for participants at the event in Azerbaijan
  • Need for immediate public accessibility of the HCA

Why is the protection of human rights crucial at COP29?

Amnesty International emphasizes the importance of safeguarding human rights, including freedom of expression and peaceful assembly, inside and outside the event space at COP29 in Azerbaijan. The country’s government has a history of cracking down on dissent and detaining journalists, human rights defenders, and climate activists.

What are the key recommendations from Amnesty International?

  • Amnesty International urges the release of all unjustly detained individuals by the Azerbaijani authorities
  • Immediate public disclosure of the Host Country Agreement signed with the UNFCCC
  • Publishing of all past and future Host Country Agreements by the UNFCCC Secretariat for transparency

What is the background related to Host Country Agreements for climate summits?

A Host Country Agreement (HCA) outlines arrangements between organizers and host country authorities for international events. The importance of including human rights in HCAs was emphasized at the Bonn Climate Conference in June last year. Amnesty International faced challenges in obtaining the HCA for COP28 until June 2024.


Amnesty International raises concerns about the need for human rights protections in the Host Country Agreement for COP29 in Azerbaijan. Immediate public accessibility of the agreement is crucial to assess rights safeguards. Transparency and publication of HCAs by the UNFCCC Secretariat are recommended to ensure accountability.


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