Ensuring Family Unity: Prioritizing Family Reunification Before the 2024 U.S. Election

On May 15, the International Day of Families:

What did IRAP do on the International Day of Families?

  • IRAP hosted a virtual event showcasing their approach to legal aid, information, and systemic change.
  • Experts from IRAP highlighted their support for the Central American Minors Refugee & Parole Program (CAM).
  • The team also discussed their preparations for potential U.S. presidential election results.

Interested in learning more? Watch the short excerpt videos below:

What can you learn from the CAM Program and the Texas v. Biden litigation?

To protect family reunification rights, you can:

  • Share your support for IRAP with your friends, family, and networks.
  • Subscribe to their email updates.
  • Financially support their work.
  • Participate in their pro-refugee advocacy efforts.

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Source: refugeerights.org

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