Major Legal Win: Appeals Court Stands with Afghan and Iraqi Allies Against U.S. Government Abandonment

June 12, 2024

New York, NY

Last Friday, the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals rejected the U.S. government’s attempt to avoid accountability in Afghan & Iraqi Allies v. Blinken, a class action lawsuit challenging the U.S. government’s failure to adjudicate Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) applications in a timely manner.

What Was the Decision?

  • The U.S. Government’s attempt to abandon a 2020 court-ordered plan was rejected.
  • This plan aimed to speed up the adjudication of delayed SIV applications.
  • Plaintiffs argued that recent changes did not warrant abandoning the plan.

What Did the Court Affirm?

  • The Circuit Court affirmed the denial of the government’s request to terminate the plan.
  • The U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan was cited as a reason for the termination.

IRAP Litigation Staff Attorney, Kimberly Grano, expressed that this decision was a victory for the applicants with the longest-pending applications and a refusal of the government’s attempts to abandon its allies. The ruling plays a crucial role in ensuring the U.S. fulfills its promises to those in need.

Who Supported the Allies?

  • Association of Wartime Allies (AWA)
  • U.S. Representative Earl Blumenauer
  • Ambassador Ryan C. Crocker

Additional resources and information on the case can be found on the Refugee Rights website.

Read the decision: HERE

Learn more about the history of the case: HERE

Read about what was at stake in the appeal: HERE


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