Controversial Border Ban Threatens Humanitarian Aid for Vulnerable People in Poland and Belarus

What is Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) Concerned About?

Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is concerned about the new ban imposed by the Polish Ministry of Interior, restricting access to the eastern border zone near the Polish-Belarusian border. This ban could potentially block civil society access to individuals seeking protection, putting their lives at risk by preventing them from receiving necessary humanitarian and medical relief.

  • Data collected by MSF highlights the need for medical aid beyond what the National Border Guard Search and Rescue Teams or Military Units can provide.
  • The critical necessity for civil society access is emphasized, especially in providing essential humanitarian assistance.

What Are the Concerns Regarding the Ban’s Implementation?

Despite the postponement of the ban for further consultations and the reduction of the restricted area, worries persist as the buffer zone, ranging from 200 meters to two kilometers, is set to be enforced from Thursday, June 13. The impending implementation raises significant concerns about its impact.

What Does the Past Experience Show?

The detrimental effects of restricted access in 2021 serve as a poignant reminder of the vital importance of allowing humanitarian and civil society organizations to operate independently. Such access is crucial for providing assistance to those in need.

MSF’s Appeal to Polish Authorities

MSF urges the Polish authorities to urgently reconsider the ban and ensure that all individuals requiring asylum or protection can access the necessary procedures, humanitarian aid, and medical care.

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Summary: The ban on accessing part of the Polish-Belarusian border zone raises concerns for MSF, highlighting the importance of civil society access to provide essential humanitarian and medical aid. Urging Polish authorities to reconsider the ban, MSF emphasizes the need to ensure access to asylum, humanitarian assistance, and medical care for individuals in need.


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