Breaking News: Survivors of Sexual Violence in Darien Gap Find Support in Costa Rica

How are medical and psychological care services being provided to migrant survivors?

  • Access to medical and psychological care services has been facilitated for migrant survivors of sexual violence since mid-April.
  • Local partner Cadena is collaborating with health authorities and other groups to provide comprehensive assistance.
  • Activities at Estación Migratoria del Sur (EMI Sur) focus on the active identification of cases and awareness-raising.

What is the strategic approach being taken in providing care?

  • Organizations at EMI Sur have received training on identifying cases of sexual violence.
  • Medical, nursing, psychology, and social work personnel are reinforcing active case recruitment strategies.
  • Specific dialogues with key questions are being used in the recruitment process.

Efforts are being made to provide comprehensive medical and psychological care services to migrant survivors of sexual violence at EMI Sur. Through active case identification and strategic recruitment strategies, organizations are working to ensure survivors receive the care they need.

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