UNHCR calls for urgent action on overlooked crisis in Sahel region

UNHCR urges global response to neglected humanitarian crisis in the Sahel

Concern Over Humanitarian Crisis

UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, expresses deep concern about the escalating humanitarian crisis in the Sahel Region.

Forced Displacement Numbers

  • Over 3.3 million people are forcibly displaced in Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger due to ongoing conflict exacerbated by the climate crisis.
  • This calls for immediate international intervention to prevent the situation from deteriorating further.

Pervasive Protection Risks

  • Displaced populations face various protection risks, including thefts, attacks on civilians, and gender-based violence.
  • Especially vulnerable are women and children who are at risk of exploitation, abuse, and trafficking.

Lack of Essentials

  • The lack of shelter, clean water, and sanitation worsens the conditions for displaced individuals.
  • Many are unable to return home due to ongoing insecurity, leading to repeated displacement within countries and across borders.

Refugee Crisis in the Sahel

  • About 2.8 million internally displaced people and 550,000 refugees from Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger reflect the severity of the crisis.
  • Cross-border movement has significantly increased as refugees seek safety and protection.

Key Advocacy Points

  • Maintain aid during political instability in the region to prevent worsening crises.
  • Collaborate among humanitarian, development, and peace entities to offer more effective assistance.
  • Plan for long-term solutions to provide essential aid while building resilience in affected communities.

UNHCR requires $443.5 million to address urgent humanitarian needs in the Sahel region.

Source: www.unhcr.org

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