UNHCR Archive Unveils Solutions for Forced Displacement Crisis

Investigating UNHCR’s Archive

In a sub-basement beneath UNHCR’s headquarters in Geneva, a vast warren of rolling stack shelves contains the physical archives of the UN Refugee Agency’s more than 70 years of operation

What Insights Do These Archives Offer?

  • Reveal human stories of forced displacement
  • Provide a living resource and inspiration

Significance of Archival Material

Chief of Records and Archives, Montserrat Canela, mentions that these archives hold the memories of communities and people affected by history, providing valuable insights unique to this collection.

Historical Accounts

Archives include urgent cables from staff present during major emergencies, like in Bangladesh in 1971, offering detailed accounts of events.

Role of Refugee Case Files

  • Verify refugee status
  • Provide primary accounts of global upheavals
  • Help refugees today with protection needs

Challenges with Digital Preservation

Capturing and preserving digital material is crucial, with over 120 terabytes of data currently in the digital archives.

Access for Academic Researchers

Since 2000, UNHCR has opened its archive to researchers, offering deeper insights into historical events and the evolution of refugee policy.

Lessons from the Past

Examining past initiatives can guide current crisis responses, providing hope and solutions in a world with millions displaced annually.


UNHCR’s archive offers a unique and invaluable historical record of forced displacement, providing insights, inspiration, and practical lessons for addressing current global crises.

Source: www.unhcr.org

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