American Bishops’ Unwavering Advocacy Amidst Political Standstill!

U.S. Bishops Advocating for Migrant Rights

What is the current situation regarding migration policy in the U.S.?

  • Gridlock on migration policy ahead of November elections

How are the U.S. Bishops responding?

  • Continuing work to raise awareness about migrant realities
  • Advocating for laws and programs that respect human dignity and rights
  • Focusing on not forcing individuals to migrate

Despite the political stalemate, the U.S. Bishops are dedicated to their advocacy efforts for migrant rights. The head of Episcopal migration services emphasized the importance of respecting human dignity and rights, especially in the current political climate.

Key Takeaways:

  • U.S. Bishops are raising awareness about migrant realities
  • Advocating for laws that respect human dignity and rights
  • Continuing their efforts despite political challenges


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