GC75 Media competition in Bangladesh: ICRC’s Exciting Initiative!

Launched as part of the International Committee of the Red Cross’s activities marking the 75th anniversary of the Geneva Conventions, this media competition of best report on International Humanitarian Law is an opportunity for journalists in Dhaka to showcase their talent and raise awareness about pressing humanitarian issues.

What is the International Humanitarian Law media competition all about?

  • A platform for journalists to highlight humanitarian issues
  • An opportunity to showcase talent in reporting
  • Raising awareness about International Humanitarian Law

Why is this competition significant?

  • Marking 75th anniversary of the Geneva Conventions
  • Involvement of the International Committee of the Red Cross
  • Promoting understanding of humanitarian laws

This competition aims to foster better understanding of humanitarian laws and encourage in-depth reporting on crucial topics impacting vulnerable populations.

How can journalists participate in the competition?

  • Submit reports focused on International Humanitarian Law
  • Showcase journalistic skills and storytelling abilities
  • Raise awareness about humanitarian issues

The competition not only provides a platform for journalists to enhance their skills but also serves as a significant initiative to shed light on the importance of upholding humanitarian principles in media coverage.

Source: www.icrc.org

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