Unlocking the Power of Migration for Thriving Small Island Nations

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) highlights the significance of well-managed migration for Small Island Developing States

Why is well-managed migration crucial for Small Island Developing States?

  • Migration plays a key role in achieving resilient prosperity

According to the IOM, well-managed migration is essential for the sustainable development of Small Island Developing States. This statement comes ahead of the fourth International Conference on Small Island Developing States (SIDS4) in Antigua and Barbuda from 27-30 May.

How does migration contribute to resilient prosperity?

  • Ensures sustainable development
  • Builds resilience

Experts emphasize that managing migration effectively can lead to long-term benefits for these nations. By acknowledging the importance of this aspect, the IOM aims to promote the well-being and stability of Small Island Developing States through informed policies and practices.

What are the goals of the International Organization for Migration regarding migration in Small Island Developing States?

  • Promote sustainable development
  • Enhance resilience

The IOM’s proactive stance on migration in these regions underscores the organization’s commitment to fostering prosperity and sustainability for all.

Source: www.iom.int

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