Breaking News: Key Updates from High Commissioner on Brussels Syria Conference

High Commissioner’s statement at the Brussels Syria Conference

Charles Eric Dunmore
Mon, 05/27/2024 – 19:33

Why is Syria Important?

  • All eyes have been on Gaza, but Syria also needs attention
  • Conflict resolution vital to avoid humanitarian crises
  • How can we solve the Syrian refugee crisis?

UNHCR’s Standpoint

UNHCR insists on international protection standards for Syrian refugees

  • Protection for refugees wherever they are
  • Refugee return should be voluntary, safe, and dignified
  • Challenges preventing refugee return to Syria

Key Challenges and Solutions

  • Obstacles with Syrian government and humanitarian situation
  • Impact of reduced donor support on host countries
  • Urgent need for increased support for host countries and refugees

What is the Call to Action?

Significant scaling up of support inside Syria and for host countries

  • Long-term partnership between international community and host countries
  • Support for Geir’s political track
  • Avoiding neglect of crises for long-term consequences

Thank you.


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