ICRC Urges UN Action on Autonomous Weapons

By drawing the attention of States and the public to the unacceptable effects of certain weapons on combatants and civilians, the ICRC has helped to create the conditions for the development of the laws of war.

How has ICRC contributed to the development of laws of war?

  • Bringing attention to the effects of weapons on combatants and civilians
  • Influencing States and the public
  • Creating conditions for the development of laws of war

ICRC’s efforts in highlighting the negative impacts of specific weapons on both combatants and civilians have played a crucial role in shaping the laws of war. By raising awareness and promoting dialogue, ICRC has paved the way for the development of legal frameworks to protect individuals in times of conflict.

What impact has ICRC’s advocacy had?

  • Shifted focus towards protecting individuals in conflict
  • Raised awareness on humanitarian consequences of certain weapons
  • Promoted the development of laws to safeguard human rights during war

ICRC’s advocacy work serves as a catalyst for change by emphasizing the importance of prioritizing the well-being and safety of individuals affected by armed conflict. Through its initiatives, ICRC continues to champion the development of laws that uphold human rights and prevent unnecessary harm during war.

Source: www.icrc.org

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