Latest Statistics on Israel and Occupied Territories: Highlights from October 2023 to March 2024

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) Adapts Rapidly to Address Emerging Needs

How did the ICRC respond to the evolving situation in Israel and Gaza?

  • Building on a strong mandate and longstanding presence
  • Adjusted and scaled up response quickly
  • Addressing new needs in Israel and Gaza

What actions did the ICRC take in light of the situation?

  • Utilized built-in emergency capacity
  • Swiftly adapted to emerging needs
  • Increased response efforts

In response to the evolving situation in Israel and Gaza, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) quickly adjusted and scaled up its operations to address the emerging needs in the region. With a solid mandate and established presence, the ICRC leveraged its built-in emergency capacity to swiftly respond to the crisis at hand. By adapting rapidly to the changing landscape, the ICRC demonstrated its commitment to providing crucial assistance in times of need.


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