Exclusive: Saint Charles’ Clinic Offers Inclusive Care to All Women in La Rochelle, South Africa

What is the philosophy behind Saint Charles’ Clinic?

  • Saint Charles’ Clinic for Women in La Rochelle, South Africa, has a welcoming approach.
  • The clinic believes in keeping its doors open to everyone without discrimination.

How does the clinic serve the community?

  • Saint Charles’ Clinic provides essential healthcare services to women in need.
  • They offer support and care regardless of one’s background or circumstances.

What does the International Catholic Migration Commission (ICMC) say about the clinic?

  • The ICMC acknowledges the clinic’s commitment to inclusivity and compassion.
  • They commend the clinic for its dedication to serving all individuals who seek assistance.

Why is this news significant?

  • Saint Charles’ Clinic’s open-door policy sets an example of kindness and acceptance.
  • It highlights the importance of providing healthcare without judgment or bias.


Saint Charles’ Clinic in South Africa is praised for its inclusive and compassionate approach to healthcare, demonstrating the value of acceptance and care for all individuals in need.

Source: www.icmc.net

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