Massive Floods in Brazil Displace Thousands, Impact Millions

MSF support during the emergency

Our emergency teams are responding to the disaster in Rio Grande do Sul with activities mainly focused on the most vulnerable people. Dr. Soeiro emphasizes the importance of assisting those who are most vulnerable in such situations, especially as their needs have increased due to the flooding.

How are we supporting the local communities?

  • Delivering medical assistance, drug supplies, water and food to indigenous communities
  • Visiting isolated indigenous communities such as Guajayvi and Kurity
  • Setting up mobile clinics in Canoas with medical teams to work in shelters

What challenges are we facing?

In many areas, roads are blocked, making transport organization complex, with only helicopter access to some locations.

What additional support are we providing?

  • Offering remote training on mental health first aid to professionals assisting flood victims
  • Focus on mental health and psychosocial support, alongside medical consultations

The situation in the region remains unstable, with the threat of further flooding or delays in people returning home. We are closely monitoring and adapting our response to meet urgent needs.


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