Uganda struggles as influx of refugees from Sudan, DRC, and South Sudan overwhelms open-door policy

Uganda’s refugee policy under strain from influx from Sudan, DRC, and South Sudan

Uganda is facing a growing number of refugees from Sudan, with over 33,000 arrivals, 19,000 settling in Kampala in 2024.

Why are refugees coming to Uganda?

  • Sudanese fleeing a year-long war
  • Influx from Congo and South Sudan due to conflicts and climate challenges

Impact of refugee influx in Uganda

The inflow of refugees combined with funding shortages strains protection and assistance services for refugees and host communities in Uganda.

Challenges faced

  • Health sector facing cuts impacting health care for both refugees and locals
  • Outbreak of conjunctivitis in refugee settlements
  • Mental health concerns highlighted by attempted suicides among refugees
  • Overcrowded schools leading to lack of education for refugee children
  • Delays in registration due to lack of resources
  • Curtailment of income-generating activities for refugees

Advocacy for support

Uganda seeks more funding to support refugees, emphasizing the need for donor support to maintain stability and development gains in the region.


Uganda’s open-door policy towards refugees faces challenges due to a surge in arrivals from conflict-ridden regions, raising concerns about the impact on services and the need for increased support.


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