Crisis in Central Darfur: Civilians left to suffer in silence amid violence and neglect

Living Conditions in Displaced Communities

Amidst the chaos caused by conflict, Najwa and her children have sought refuge in a looted bank alongside 30 other displaced individuals. The makeshift shelter emulates a sense of home, using bank safes as closets and repurposing windowsills to hold personal belongings.

Struggling for Basic Necessities

Najwa expresses the dire situation they are in, lacking a roof over their heads and facing food scarcity. Despite their challenges, they have not received any assistance, not even basic hygiene items. With the impending rainy season, their future remains uncertain.

Desperate Times at the University of Zalingei

Once a thriving educational institution, the University of Zalingei now stands abandoned, with classrooms and offices transformed into shelters for over a thousand displaced individuals. The lack of humanitarian aid has left the community to rely on each other for survival.

  • Bales of hay now occupy the auditorium, highlighting the drastic change in the university’s surroundings.
  • Without access to healthcare and medicine, the displaced individuals have resorted to sharing what little resources they have to treat each other.

A sense of unity prevails among the inhabitants, with collective contributions towards healthcare services ensuring the wellbeing of all community members. The challenges faced by Najwa, Mohammed, and others underscore the urgent need for humanitarian assistance in these vulnerable communities.


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