Crisis in Central Darfur: Civilians left to suffer in silence amid violence and neglect

Living in Unimaginable Conditions: A Glimpse into the Lives of Displaced People in Zalingei

Across the street from the fire station, Najwa, 30, along with her three children, have found refuge in the city’s looted bank alongside 30 other displaced individuals from Hasahisa camp. They have transformed the bank into a makeshift home, using bank safes as closets and repurposing bricked-up windows for storage.

  • Najwa’s plea for help: They live without a roof, lacking basic necessities like food and sanitation.
  • Rainy season approaching: With no assistance in sight, they face uncertainty as the rainy season looms.

Struggling to Access Healthcare and Medicine

At the heart of the city, the University of Zalingei, once a vibrant hub for education, now stands abandoned. The campus, now a shelter for over a thousand displaced individuals, lacks access to healthcare and medicine.

  • Desperate living conditions: Campus buildings repurposed as living quarters, with basic amenities scarce.
  • Community solidarity: Despite challenges, the community supports each other with shared resources and improvised healthcare.

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