Charities Warn: Broken Refugee Family Reunion Policy Prompts Dangerous Channel Crossings

Why are Refugees Losing Faith in Legal Process?

  • Report reveals key policy failures
  • Increased irregular travel to UK
  • Proposed changes could reunite 1000 people annually

What are the Proposed Solutions?

  • Remove barriers for children joining relatives in the UK
  • Enable refugee children to sponsor parents and siblings
  • Resettle family members of evacuees under ACRS
  • Allow Ukrainians with temporary status to sponsor relatives
  • Improve decision-making processes for faster reunions

What is the Impact?

Case study: Khaled’s son crossed the channel due to delays. The lack of family reunion options leads to devastating consequences.

Insights from the Refugee Council and Safe Passage International Leaders

  • CEO of Refugee Council highlights heartbreaking stories of separation
  • CEO of Safe Passage International emphasizes the urgent need for accessible family reunion

How Can the Government Address the Issue?

By making simple changes to family reunion rules, the Government can prevent further dangerous crossings and reunite families fleeing war and persecution.

Final Thoughts

Fixing the broken family reunion system is vital to ensuring the safety and well-being of refugees and their families. Read the full report for more insights.


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